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Writer's pictureJake Andersen

Tis the season for seed collection!

In Enviro-Ed this week... it's seed collecting season! šŸŒ±šŸŒæšŸŒ³

There are some plants I think of as rongoā mō te whenua. Each in their own unique way, they secure and restore our land when it's been disturbed. Some remain for many years, some for only a few, but they all play their part. Mānuka, kānuka, pōhutukawa & karamu are all great examples of such species, and we were lucky enough to find and collect literally hundreds of seeds from these plants this week.

We also discovered 2 additions to our native plant list, bringing us to a grand total of 42 different species... many of which haven't been planted, but have arrived through the birds and the breeze!

Our whenua has an incredible ability to restore itself, given half a chance! An amazing process to witness, and one which we hope to support in our own little way šŸ™

Have an awesome long weekend whānau! Kia pai tō whakataa.

Nāku noa nā, Matua Jake

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